Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My Business Letter

Kyle LaRose
123 David Road
Festus, MO 12345

March 19, 2013

Mrs. DeBolt
1717 W. Main St.
Festus, MO 63028

Dear Mrs. Debolt:

Hello my name is Kyle LaRose.This is my business letter to you. I am going to tell you all about me. First of all is my family is very nice sometimes, if they want to be.  I like to play outside. I make a lot of dumb decisions.

I like to go hunting a lot. When I go hunting I mostly go with my dad. But sometimes I go hunting by myself. I like hunting lots of stuff like squirrel,deer,bird,and rabbits. My dad likes hunting all of those things too. We both like hunting a lot.

Well those are a couple of things about me and my family. We are a fun joyful family. We love to go outside. Well my dad and I like to go outside the rest of them don't. That's the end of my business letter.