Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My Business Letter

Kyle LaRose
123 David Road
Festus, MO 12345

March 19, 2013

Mrs. DeBolt
1717 W. Main St.
Festus, MO 63028

Dear Mrs. Debolt:

Hello my name is Kyle LaRose.This is my business letter to you. I am going to tell you all about me. First of all is my family is very nice sometimes, if they want to be.  I like to play outside. I make a lot of dumb decisions.

I like to go hunting a lot. When I go hunting I mostly go with my dad. But sometimes I go hunting by myself. I like hunting lots of stuff like squirrel,deer,bird,and rabbits. My dad likes hunting all of those things too. We both like hunting a lot.

Well those are a couple of things about me and my family. We are a fun joyful family. We love to go outside. Well my dad and I like to go outside the rest of them don't. That's the end of my business letter. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


My name is Kyle LaRose. I an taking over this blog for fourth quarter.
picture from here

Friday, March 8, 2013

What i have learned In technology

What ive learned in technology this year is that hardware and software is very differnt things. Hardware is things like the keyboard or mouse Or even the screen software is like programs icons things you  cant touch they are inside the computer. I learned what a CPU dose and knowing where things are saved Programs are inside the computer they are used to play games search bars or help there are many uses for a computer. Microsoft is a program with many others Microsoft word, Microsoft excal, Microsoft publisher, and Microsoft power point.

Picture from here

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Friday suprise

A few weeks ago or 2 weeks we got of because of  snow the one day people sayed we worn't getting snow we got snow. So I got up at 4:30am I went to bed late like 2:30am and I get called by school at 5:37am I was wonder who would be calling me at this time. When I picked up the phone I was like Wait its school I looked out side I just go crazy I got my snowboard and went snowboarding. when i went snowboarding I have a hill that's is like a 70 degree drop.
Picture from here