Monday, March 17, 2014

Kid Nation

40 kids are going to this place that they are going to stay there together for 40 days and they have to "take care" of this farm like place. There are 4 council people that are about the kids age. The council have a gold star that every few days, they give to a kid that they think is doing a good job. The place is "dead" and they have to clean it up in the 40 days they are here. For dinner, the tried to make past, failed. They have to get their own water from a well. They made macaroni and kids showed that it was nasty. For the council, the youngest, Taylor, is having a hard time out of all of them, she misses her bed, protein (meat). All the leaders just want to prove that they can handle the job. At breakfast,  a huge argument occurred because people were taking more food then they should of because other people didn't get any food. The leaders are considering giving Michael a gold star because he saved them at the council meeting. They are dividing the team into 4 different districts, they have to wear bandanas of the color that their team is. A lot of kids are getting upset and wanting to go home already because they miss their families. They all have to share one bathroom. They are getting jobs; merchants, cooks, laborers. They get paid for doing their job. The amount of pay depends on if their upper class. For their first challenge, they have to run in a field and find pipes, the pipes shoot out a color and they have to dump the water the collect only if its their color into their teams bottles. For the first challenge, the red team got upper class, the blue team got merchants, the yellow team got cooks, and the green team in last place, for laborers. All the teams finished within the hour, so they won a town gift thingy. The choices are more outhouses or a TV. The council gets to choose what they want the town to have. They picked the outhouses because the need those more than a TV. The TV would probably distract them from doing their jobs. The cooks did a good job cooking food. They get to buy stuff with the money they get from doing their jobs. They are pretty excited about it because they get candy and soda. One of the girl danced in the middle of the dirt road to try to get money so she could buy a bike; she got enough money. The littler kids are going rabbit hunting. They are all at the second council meeting and they are handling business and everything going on. At every meeting, they ask if anyone wants to go home and a littler kid wanted to because he is homesick. The council gave their first gold star to Sofia because they thought she has been working the hardest since day 1. She got to call her mom and tell her about the gold star she won and how its worth $20 grand.  Her mom was pretty excited. Now, everyone is trying and working really hard to earn a gold star.

I think if these kids, older or younger, can run this town without adults watching over them, I think they are truly brave to be without their parents.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Summer 2014

I cant wait until Summer. Summer means warm weather, shorts/ tank tops/ flip flops. And most importantly you don't have to wake up at 6 o'clock in the morning and go to school. Instead, you can sleep longer. Also, you get to go swimming or go on vacation with your family. This summer, my family isn't going on vacation though because of money issues but we usually go every summer. The good thing is that we have a pool to replace the beach even though the beach is way better. When we go on vacation, we always go to Florida and we always go to different cities for example; Panama City Beach, St. Petersburg, and sometimes we go to Gulf Shores Alabama.

Picture From Here

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Annoying Noises

Picture From Here
Something that bugs me is when people make annoying noises like tapping, humming, or just being obnoxious. I hate when people do that because most of the time, when I say something about it, they continue doing it just to annoy me. I think if someone is doing that, they are just bored and sometimes they probably don't realize they are doing it. It just makes me go crazy and sometimes it makes me have a headache because it gets so annoying. I also think that people who are always making noises are thinking about something  and they just don't realize that they are doing it.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

My 13th Birthday

My birthday is in a month and 8 days. Im exited for this birthday because its my 13th birthday. I think Im getting a laptop or dog because i asked for those things and my mom said maybe and since its a "special" birthday, i think i can get my parents to get it for me. This birthday is special because your 13th, 16th, 18th, and 21st birthdays are when you are finally a teenager, you can get your drivers license, officially an adult, and the 21st is you can do other stuff. Im happy that im gonna finally be a teenager because im tired of being called the littlest in the family even though ill still be the littlest.