Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Computer Class

Computer class is fun we do cool projects like typing and making blogs computers is cool. And you can talk to your friends and we take tests and play games when where all done with are work. Things I think they could add is a longer time so we can stay in computers computers is one of my favorite subjects in the school.

Thursday, December 12, 2013


I got this from 
One of my favorite games is random heroes its fun its o the ios and its a 8 bit game you have to save a town and wall your doing it you can buy guns the coolest gun is the rail gun and at the very end of each town there's a boss which is strong there are four tows the last boss is hard an strong random heroes is a fun game that you should try out.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


I got this from
I think Europe is not right because being normal is boring if your not normal then you show that your fun and not boring being normal is not a good thing but being not normal you stick out from people which is what makes us human.

Thursday, December 5, 2013


I got this image from.
Minecraft is a game about survival its really fun you can do loads of stuff on the game like build a castle or a home you can farm hunt make spells and mine but when it becomes  night time the monsters come out such as creepers, zombies, spiders and a lot of other stuff you can build swords bow and arrows you can also go to new places like a jungle and a deserts.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Door !

picture from here
If I had to pick a door to go to seven places I would go to Hogwarts I would pick this place because you can learn spells and cool stuff and Hogwarts is from Harry Potter which I love the books by J.k.  Rowling  and the movies. And Hogwarts has lots of secrets and lots of places to look a round the big castle this is why I would pick Hogwarts door number 4.

Monday, November 18, 2013

My Business Letter

Morgan Weaver
759 Seewall Dr.
Candy Man, MO 54321

October 24, 2013

Mrs. Debolt
1717 Main St.
Festus, MO 63028

Dear Mrs. Debolt:

My favorite thing to do on the computer is play on  Minecraft. I love to draw I found out I was good at drawing and it's one of my hobbies. I all so love to play Chess I am not the best at chess but I am good. I was born in Idaho I go to Idaho every year. I have a other hobby I like finding and cullecting old coins my oldest coin is a 90% silver Morgan doller from 1864 my grandma gave it to me.

My favorite game is Dead Trigger 2 its on ios. Its a fun game its a zombie game so some people might not like it. I love to read scary books but I never found any in tell I found a writer named Stephen King.I read a lot of books by him my favorite books are IT and Cujo there good books. I also like to run.

Iv had good experiences with computers and bad experiences with computers. Some good experiences are not having to wait a long time for some thing to load and playing Minecraft. Some bad experiences are the mouse not working and the keys not working .

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Prison Letter 323

What do you need from me? And why are you in prison? What ever you need I can sneak it in to the cell block But I need to now your prison number so I no where to Sneak this letter in. I will try to sneak it in on friday at 3:45 a.m. thats whene the most of cops are not on duty.

picture from here

Thursday, October 24, 2013


My name is Morgan Weaver. I will be using this blog for second quarter in 2013.

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Who else is EXCITED for HALLOWEEN? I know i am!

For Halloween im going to be masquerade queen. This is kindoff what my mask looks like. I found it at spirit. Speaking of spirit, when i went there to shop for costume ideas we had my 2 year old sister... ya that didn't go well,anyway we saw this big spider thin g and there was a PRESS HERE button on the floor and my step-mom Stacy said "Olivia press that button whats the spider do?" then of course Olivia pressed it and it jump out at her end she fell on the ground, even my step-mom jumped when it poped out! Obviously she did not read the poster behind it that clearly said JUMPING SPIDER. Then we went to the back of the store and saw these cool masquerade masks and i found an awesome mask so that's the story of how i came up with masquerade queen.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


As per a few requests, I compiled a few fantasy prompts… but I also realize that these are probably insufficient for your fantasy-related-writing-prompt needs. So, I’d also like to point out fantasyscapes, which has some great potential for inspiring writing. I also think The Art of Animation might be worth your time. That has a great mix of science fiction and fantasy art, although sometimes it’s a bit NSFWish. If you have other good ideas, please let me know. Thanks.               
I was offered this wonderful oppurtunity and i guess I will go to...Middle Earth, I mean whats the worst that can happen.Well i was wrong because when i opened the door to go to middle earth a little man said "are you sure" I COURAGIOUSLY said "yes sir'' he shoved me into the door and when i got up of the cold freezing ground i opened my eyes and saw this...As per a few requests, I compiled a few fantasy prompts… but I also realize that these are probably insufficient for your fantasy-related-writing-prompt needs. So, I’d also like to point out fantasyscapes, which has some great potential for inspiring writing. I also think The Art of Animation might be worth your time. That has a great mix of science fiction and fantasy art, although sometimes it’s a bit NSFWish. If you have other good ideas, please let me know. Thanks.I screamed for i did not know what these crazy animals are it looked like a giant reptile that breathed ice. and there was a man riding on what looked like a rock mamoth i was bewithered on  why middle earth looked like this. I thought middle earth was peaceful. What happened?????? I yelled to the man to see if he could give me a ride to were He/she lived but he/she didnt here nor see me.So i ran to the right and got out of there, who knows what that animal was or what it could do.


As per a few requests, I compiled a few fantasy prompts… but I also realize that these are probably insufficient for your fantasy-related-writing-prompt needs. So, I’d also like to point out fantasyscapes, which has some great potential for inspiring writing. I also think The Art of Animation might be worth your time. That has a great mix of science fiction and fantasy art, although sometimes it’s a bit NSFWish. If you have other good ideas, please let me know. Thanks.I would not go through any of the doors beacause I could not hang out with my friends that i have here.I would also not have a cellphone.And we all know that i would probably die without a cellphone.I would not be able to see my family and what would happen if i went through a door and i was never able to come back?If i went through a door to one of these "magical" or possibly deadly places there might not be holidays there could be a war you never know.you cannot take any risks.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

I am super excited to get the new iOS.7 on my iphone!!!
There is a super cool new design!!IM FREAKING OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the regular iphone looks like this...The iOs.6 looks like this...SO YAYAYAYAY

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Todays Blog Subject: A Tape Measure

Today there was a tragic murder. Investigators say that the victim  is a white male 5 ft 6 approximately 180 pounds. They murder weapon was unbelievably a tape measure. Investigators believe that the victim was strangled to death, the house had many things missing so police conclude that the victim was strangled and then the suspect fled the house. We have a 3 suspects...

Sara Michelle Hopkins                 Tommy Lee Jones                       Grandma Jane
 Wife                                             Local boy                                  Wifes mom

Police are still in the integration process if u have any info call 1-800-this-aint-real
Thank you Bye!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

If I could bottle up a memory and revisit it any time I wanted I would probably bottle up when I went to Disney world with my cousin and my grandma for Halloween.  It is so fun because you don't get to go there every day so its a thrilling experience, and being with my family makes me happy. If i could do this memory any time i would probably visit it once for a week every 2 months.It would be awesome!
                              i just want to go back