Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Class Summary

Picture from hereI learned a lot in in technology, such as parts in and out of a computer. I wish I had saved my desktop background to my flash drive correctly. I could have done better if i had turned in that one assignment. I think I did OK with my work.

Thursday, December 13, 2012


The St. Louis Rams(6-6-1) are on a roll! They've won 3 games straight. They beat the 49ers(9-3), the Buccaneers and another team. The Alanta Falcons(11-2) LOST to the Carolina Panthers(5-8). Peyton Manning is doing a great job with the Denver Broncos. Eli Manning and the have been crushing there oppenets. Aaron Rogers has won there last 3 games.
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Picture from here

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Which door?

I would go through the door that goes to Wonderland.Just by the name of it it sounds like a great place.In the the movie "Alice in wonderland" it was a nice place so.I would probably see flowers,animals and other things. Although that it is peaceful, its not my kind of wonderland.My Wonderland would have  a Playstation 3, Black Ops 2, Rollacoasers, and no adults, just kids.It would also need great food such as Ice Cream, pizza,milkshakes and otherfoods.

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Thursday, December 6, 2012

our school

Festus Middle School is the best school I have ever been to.There are awesome teachers: Mr. Zustiak,Mrs. Debolt, Mr. Kinder, Mrs. Page, Mrs. Uding,Mrs.Spavale and more.The books in our Library our really great. The food the lunch ladies serve is fantastic. The homework in my opinion is easy to do.There are great prizes for selling items in a fundraiser.Our boys and girls basketball teams are good.Our cheerleaders are are simply the best.

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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

They took everything except one odd thing

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The robbers stole everything except one item, our TV is the living room.All of the other TVs are gone. I dont know why they didn't take that one. They even left the cords and the reciever,they left the remotes. They didn't take our PS3,my DS, our computers, not even my dads phone which he left nt counter when he went to work.
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