Thursday, August 30, 2012


      " I need you to break me out. Your my only hope. My parents won't even bail me out! So heres how your gonna do it. I have a friend named Billy who deals with highly explosives. He is also in on the deal. Go to Billy then he'll give You something that looks like a baked potatoe. Go to Westbrooke Prison, ask them you want to talk to me. Wheen we meet at the cell get throw the potatoe at my cell then get outta there quick. I will explode. Thank you my only friend."

Picture from here.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Truth About How Women Are Being Treated In India

   The truth is that the women in India are treated horribly. Girls can't even go in public without being threatened or criticized. Boys in India are treated like kings while girls are treated like peasants.The video says that in India the girls have to pay money to their husband when they get married. So therefore some parents are willing to do anything to get rid of female babies. Some parents will do anything to get male boys. They figure this out by using illegal ultra sounds that are around every corner (some even more!). There are some though that are fighting for the cause. They make special orphanages where instead of killing your baby or aborting it you can put it down a special chute. Down the chute is a safe orphanage for girls, that will be raised until they are ready to take care of themselves. My feelings about this is that this should be stopped and destroyed for the next generations. Aborting ,in my opinion, is the worst thing youcould do with a baby, other than torture.

Monday, August 27, 2012

My Business Letter

4823 Lance Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63101

August 27, 2012

Mrs. Debolt
1717 W Main St.
Festus, MO 63028

Dear Mrs. Debolt :

Hi , my name is Sam. My favorite food is Chicken Parmesan. My favorite animal is a kangaroo because they come from Australia. I love playing all sports, but my favorite sport is football, because I love catching and throwing. I've always wanted to go sky diving. That's what I like and want to do.

What I love about computers are the games and using Microsoft Word.  I know how to use Microsoft Word. I also know how to make graphs and my own website. I love to search for questions I have to ask.

I'm interested about learning about all the wars. I also want to learn more about sports. I would like to look up how to do fun projects. I want to learn about planets.

Sam A.

Friday, August 24, 2012


My name is Sam. I'm taking over this blog now. I'll be using it for first quarter.
Picture From Here