Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Art can be anything you want it to be, you can simply paint a person or animal, create a sculpture,a fountain, or you can put just a bunch of weird things together. Some artist create nly one of their great masterpeice, and some have their art copied and shiped all over the world. In many ways art can be weird, most of the time the art work represents something, but sometimes it is just created at random.
Picture From Here

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Mrs. Ganey

Mrs. Ganey always has her coffe, she says that if she does not have her coffe in the morning that she would be very grouchy. Mrs. Ganey teaches comunication arts, she is on the second floor n the Discoverers hallway. She is the second to last room on the right side, if you are coming frm the library. Right now in Mrs. Ganey's class we are reding a book called The Outsiders.

Picture From Here

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Flyaway Picture

In this picture thier are several people and most of them do not look to good. All of the people have wings, but only one can rise above what the others can't. The people below can not rise above the bad things that they can do, but the one that is flying can. The man that is flying has learned to rise above the bad things the other men do, and flyaway from it. While the others remain on the ground until they too can flyaway rom their troubles.

Picture From Here