Thursday, September 29, 2011

Elephant Rocks

Every year in the Fall my family goes to a place called elephant rocks. It is by Potosi. It has giant rocks that you climb on and trails to hike on. Before we do anything, we bring food and have a picnic. It is really fun.
Picture From Here

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My $100

If I had $100 to give to a charity. I would pick a place that wold give homeless people food or give little kids some toys to play with. I dont like to see people starve so I would probably pick the one that gives people food.
picture from here

Thursday, September 22, 2011


This weekend I am going squirrel hunting with my dad. My dad is making get up at 6am.I get to use his shotgun.If I get any squirrles I'm going to eat them for the first time. I am exited because Ive never squirrel hunted before. The first week of November, I'm going to go deer hunting in northern Missouri at a cabin he built with his Friends.
Picture From Here

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Helping Others

One time it was a cold and snowy Winter day and me and my brother decided to play in the snow. We have a creek on our property so we went to it and was walking along it when my brother fell into it. I ran back to our house and got our mom, some dry clothes, and a towel. It made me feel good after that knowing that I helped him.
Picture From Here

Thursday, September 15, 2011


This weekend, if it isn't raining I'm going to go camping. We just bought a new and bigger tent. Usually when we go camping we take our bikes and four wheelers, play football or frisbee, and build a fire to roast marshmallows on. I am excited about it because this time we are going to stay there two nights instead of one.
Picture From Here

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I know that on 9/11 there were four planes that crashed. Two into the twin towers, one into the pentagon, and one was going to hit the capital building but the passengers tried to take over and the plane crased into a feild. The peolple in the twin towers were trying to escape but it was very hard for them because of all the smoke and fire. People jumped from the building because they didnt want to burn. Then the twin towers fell and many people died that day.
Picture From Here

Thursday, September 8, 2011

About Clay

My name is clay. I have a dog named Bear and a cat named Tori. I like to ride my four wheeler and play video games. My favorite food is pizza. My favorite sport is basketball. I have one older brother and no sisters. I play drums and guitar.
Picture From Here 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011